Up coming
「異界訪問譚 〜もうひとつの世界をみる作家たち〜」
上田風子 上路市剛 草井裕子

■オープニング 3月15日(土)17:00〜19:00(予定)
■作家在廊日 3月15日(土)、3月29日(土)、15:00〜
昨年、静岡県 沼津市庄司美術館(モンミュゼ沼津)で開催された「異界訪問譚~もうひとつの世界をみる作家たち~」の小さな東京巡回展となります。
This is a small touring exhibition to Tokyo that was special exhibition of three artists held at the NUMAZU SHOJI MUSEUM OF ART in Shizuoka Prefecture last year.
The title of the exhibition “異界訪問譚” contains the hope that through the art you will open the door to a different world from the everyday.
The exhibiting three artists are Fuco Ueda, Ichitaka Kamiji and Yuko Soi.
Fuco Ueda uses unique colors and color schemes to depict the daydream-like scenes experienced by a young girl, where reality and fantasy mix.
Her works, which are painted with personal emotions such as the joy of being at the mercy of a flood of images and approaching a place that does not exist, on the other hand evoke empathy from people living in the modern and contemporary era which is saturated with material and information as a mirror of that reality.
Ichitaka Kamiji takes up the past masterpieces of sculptures or paintings, as motifs, extracts the aesthetic sense contained therein and transforms them into realistic sculptures. Through this simulation, which translates past masterpieces, he uncovers the hidden intentions and commitment of the artists behind the portrayal of the figures, and through the exploration of the universal “beauty” exists there, he attempts to make the communication with the motifs, their artists, and the audience viewing it.
Yuko Soi spins poetry from the everyday by inscribing her abstract paintings, which she creates with minute detail using the tips of thin, sharpened colored pencils, onto randomly selected papers of various sizes. The materials used and the lines drawn are simple, yet her tranquil works have an infinite expanse and evoke the voices deep within our hearts that we usually forget.
Please take this opportunity to come and see them.