
坂本友由 個展


坂本友由 略歴

 一人称なのに二人称でもあるなんて、ほんと日本語はややこしいものです。 手前の主張は私の物差しから発せられるもので、それに抱くあなたの感情もまた手前の物差しで測ったもの。共感できればバズりもするし、不快に思えば炎上です。そんな主張も、違う誰かの物差しで切り取られたり、貼られたり。そいつを見つけたまた違う誰かが手前の物差しで測り出す。
いよいよ切り刻まれたそれなのに皆こぞって正しさを求めようとするなんて、ほんと日本はややこしいもの です。」(坂本友由)




「手前。1. personal pronoun of first person。Read in Japanese as ‘Temae’. 2. personal pronoun of second person. Read in Japanese as ‘Temee’.  So that it is both first and second person, Japanese is really a complicated.  The 手前’s(means “my”) assertion emanates from the 手前’s (means “my”) ruler, and the your feelings about it are also measured by the 手前’s (means “your”) ruler.
If many people relate to your assertion, it goes viral, and if many people find it offensive, you it gets blowing up.   Such assertions can also be cut and pasted by someone else’s different ruler.  Someone else who finds it starts measuring with the 手前’s (means “his / her”) ruler.  Though the original information has been chopped up, everyone seeks the rightness against that.  Japan is really complicated, isn’t it?(Tomoyoshi Sakamoto)

Tomoyoshi Sakamoto is taking in mainly cute girls as motifs, and he depicts realistic situation and images of people living in the modern world with irony and black humor.  He expresses the contradictions, cruelty, and tragedy of today’s society conceptually through the girls as medium.

In this exhibition, today when the dissemination of social networking services has made it possible to receive and send information in a way that can be described as excessive, he depicts the current cramped situation in Japan around the values of myself and of others around oneself or of anonymous others by incorporating stationery and other items as the metaphor.
Please take a look.